This is an active, monitored list of Black, Indigenous, and People of color (BIPOC) scholars with PhDs, or soon to receive PhDs, involved in Mathematics of Data, Signals, and Systems (MDSS) research in the US. Here, MDSS is interpreted broadly to include fields such as signal processing, machine learning, computer vision, control systems, communications, and optimization.
The purpose of the list is to serve as a resource for those seeking academic faculty candidates as well as candidates for panels, speakers, recognitions, awards, and activities aiming to promote diversity and inclusion. The areas of signal processing, machine learning, control, computer vision, and communications require math-heavy expertise and span electrical engineering and computer science as well as other disciplines. We believe these specialities are not currently covered by other similar lists, though we expect to overlap with lists of researchers in computing, AI, robotics, and STEM more generally. We welcome members of the EECS community who will volunteer their time to expand this site to include more sublists/groups by doing data entry, list monitoring, and updating. If you are interested in volunteering, contact us via the Correction form, below. We were inspired by the Women in US Academic Research in Robotics list, and like them we hope that many such lists will be created to recognize the diversity of contributors to all fields of research and development. Here is a link to this website's public repository.